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NEW! Spring Homeschool and After-school Art Classes

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Art Classes in Austin

Homeschool Art Classes and MORE!

NEW ART CLASSES!  Register now.  Spring Art Classes start at Baldwin Elementary on March 25.  In studio, our homeschool art classes start April 7 and after-school art classes start April 21.

Homeschool Classes are held weekly and meet at our studio for 6 consecutive weeks, beginning the week of April 6th through the week of May 11th.  After school classes are held weekly and meet at our studio starting the week of April 20th through the week of May 25th.  All classes are taught by a certified art teacher and will include exploring and studying art processes, techniques, & art history.

Learn More! 

Now registering for Kids Art Classes!

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Our kids art classes are held weekly and meet at our studio for 6 consecutive weeks, beginning the week of January 19th through the week of February 23rd.  Classes are taught by a certified art teacher and will include exploring and studying art processes, techniques, & art history.

Give us a call at (512) 852-9900 to find the perfect class for your kiddos.  Or register online here!

Empty Bowls

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images-39It’s Time for Empty Bowls!

We are so proud to help sponsor Dripping Springs Empty Bowls Project!  Please, consider painting a bowl to help raise money for our neighbors in need.  Join us on October 27 from 6 – 8 pm to paint a bowl.  Cost $14 to paint.  All bowls will be donated to the event.  Free soup dinner will be served. Please, call ahead to register.

Scout troops, church groups and companies be sure to call and schedule your time to paint.


And…Mark your calendar for the Empty Bowls event on Nov. 2, from 11 am – 3 pm at Sunset Canyon Pottery.

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